Dates, opening times and Venue | Milipol Qatar
Milipol Qatar 2026 will take place from 20 to 22 October 2026 at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Center (DECC).Read more -
Get to the venue | Milipol Qatar
Milipol Qatar 2026 will take place at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Center (DECC), located in "West Bay" at the heart of the Doha's business district.Read more -
Accommodation | Milipol Qatar
Discover a selection of hotels with preferential rates especially for Milipol Qatar participants, close to the DECC in Doha.Read more -
Visa Request | Milipol Qatar
If you want to participate in Milipol Qatar, please note that a visa is not always mandatory to come to Qatar.Read more -
FAQ | Milipol Qatar
Please contact us by email at [email protected] if you cannot find answers to your questions in this page and while browsing the website.Read more -
Discover Qatar | Milipol Qatar
Qatar is a small Emirate in the Middle East with Doha as a capital. It became independent on 1971 and is now ruling by the Amir His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani since 2013.Read more -
Contacts | Milipol Qatar
Our team is available at [email protected] for any assistance regarding your visit. If you want to exhibit, our Sales team remains at your disposal at [email protected].Read more